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Legal Notice

This website is owned by Yoga Hero Pte. Ltd., who operates the website. Content published on the website may only be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, maintaining all copyright notices and therefore may not be copied, reproduced or otherwise disseminated without our permission.

We do our best to publish only correct and up-to-date information on the website, but we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy and reliability of all published information. We also do not assume any responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of information published on this website or temporary inactivity of the website.

We understand that the privacy of our website visitors is very important. Therefore, all data we obtain on the website (contact form) is used exclusively for the purposes for which it was obtained. We will keep all personal information confidential and will not pass it on to anyone without your prior consent.

We reserve the right to change any information published on this website. By using this website, the visitor confirms that he accepts and agrees with the described conditions.